Someday… Nowadays…

Someday, we all will live in a Mystical Union: the Communion of the Spirits dedicated to the Good – Good meaning God, the Absolute Good, and in the sense of the common good.

Jesus prayed, prophesied and simultaneously exhorted the humanity as a whole to pursue this master goal when, from the top of the Cross, He said to His Father: “May all be One.” ¹

In a broader understanding of this expression, the concretization of the Christic profecy is far, far away into the future. The complexities and difficulties implicated in such a colossal mission demand centuries of collective effort, before any sort of a new realm of social organization, a new way for human beings to live, relate to and interact with nature can emerge on Earth.

Until then, however, every conscious creature has a duty to contribute, as much as possible, with the purpose of turning this axial Message of the Christ of Eternal Truth into reality.

Several layers of crucial challenges must be overcome, such as those that constitute the problem of the plurality of coexisting cultures, the question of harmony between the environment and human civilization, the struggle for the inter-dimensional spiritual attunement that generates a mental continuum that will unite all beings, inside or outside physical bodies.

Be kind. Be responsible. Be proactive. Be resolute. Be wise.

By all means, in all sectors of your life, work hard to achieve wholeness of good intentions and good deeds. And, for the rest, trust in God and His(Her) Community of Saint Spirits, who, in due course, will complete this Holy Enterprise.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Cherokee, North Carolina, United States of America
July 6, 2022

1. John 17:21.

(Message originally received in English)

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