Crucial problem… capital solution

The image of a woman who represented the Divinity and the Christic Spirituality was dramatically necessary for the collective unconscious of this planetary community. I was chosen to play this role.

This determination came from Jesus himself: that I should be put in evidence before humankind, with the intent to catalyze the evolutionary process of feminine empowerment – essential to the survival of the earthly civilization.

The numerous complex problems that we face in the present global crisis have the same root: disrespect for human dignity – implied in the disregard for femininity – and its baleful corollaries, such as the turbulence in the relationship between humanity and the ecosystems.

Therefore, even if someone prefers to appeal directly to the Supreme Source, it is of visceral relevance to carefully consider the feminine attributes, in all issues of the present world turmoil, in order to find an effective, profound and true solution for the terrible and urgent peril of extinction of the human species on Earth.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Cherokee, North Carolina, United States of America
July 19, 2022

(Message originally received in English)

Crucial problem… capital solution

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