Jesus doesn’t belong to religions

The highlight of 10/13/24 lecture

Divine Goodness

Physical pain and illness: a call to reflect, to correct the course, to re-signify values and priorities.

Disappointment with loved ones: an opportunity to connect with the Forces Above, beginning with carefully listening to one’s own conscience, which represents the Heavenly Powers.

Unemployment, bankruptcy, death in the family: an occasion to be reborn for what really matters – the genuine purpose that brought you to Earth.

Happiness, abundance, health and graces everywhere: more reasons for learning and exchanging, but above all for helping and being solidary.

Above the contingencies of life, in good or bad circumstances, in the face of fortunate or unfortunate events, the Infinite Goodness of God stands high above each being and all Creation.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
February 20, 2011

Balance, body and spirit

We cannot be simplistic in our search for and experience of authentic spirituality, so as not to castrate the body and its functions or surrender to the world and its responsibilities.

Let us remember the insight of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, when observing the vibrating strings of a musical instrument, and let us seek the “middle path”, balance, wholeness, while prioritizing the demands of our own conscience, which, in the depths of each being, reverberates, in the Name of God, guidance from higher Domains of lucidity and superordination.

Divinity always respects our evolutionary level and, invariably, provides what most fosters genuine happiness and personal fulfillment, according to the scenario of circumstances and duties in which we are inserted.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
September 23, 2024

Peace, wisdom and everything else

Pacify your heart and calm will emerge.

With tranquillity, clear thinking will arise.

With clear discernment, judicious choices will spontaneously sprout.

With the right decisions, the appropriate pattern of conscience and conduct for living will naturally be established.

With the adequate intimate compass and tenor of behavior, the creature will be aligned with God’s Will for them – their true and undying happiness.

In short, with serenity, wisdom is discovered. And once wisdom has been conquered, as happened to King Solomon, everything else will follow.¹

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
April 17, 2011

1. 1 Kings 3:9-14 and Matthew 6:33.

An honorable minority

The highlight of 12/24/23 lecture